Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

R. Abgrall is co-chief editor of the International Journal on Numerical Methods in Fluids, associate editor of the Journal of Computational Physics, mathematics of Computation, Computers and Fluids, the Journal of Scientific Computing, and Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. He is responsible of the SMAI-GAMNI group, and Treasurer of ECCOMAS. He is member of the Scientific committee of CERFACS. He is scientific advisor at ONERA and William Penny Fellow of the AWE (Atomic Weapon Agency, UK).

Cécile Dobrzynski was one of the organizers of the seminar "Modélisation et Calcul" of the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux. She is member of the board of the GAMNI group of SMAI and she is secretary.

Heloise Beaugendre, Cécile Dobrzynski, and Mario Ricchiuto have participated to the organization of the second ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (http://yic2013.sciencesconf.org ) in Bordeaux, counting 120 participants attending talks in the domains of modeling and simulation in Mechanics. Cécile Dobrzynski has also been conference chairwoman.

R. Abgrall, C. Dobrzynski, P. Congedo, H. Beaugendre and M Ricchiuto have organized the EUROPEAN WORKSHOP on High Order Nonlinear Numerical Methods for Evolutionary PDEs (HONOM 2013) , March 18-22, 2013, with more than 70 participants and less than a third from France. There was 8 invited speakers. A proceeding is being processed. This has been mainly funded by ADDECCO, see http://honom2013.bordeaux.inria.fr/ .

Pietro Congedo and Remi Abgrall have organized the International Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification in fluids Simulation, December 16-18, 2013 http://boquse2013.bordeaux.inria.fr/ . This workshop was intended to be an exchange forum for scientists working on innovative and efficient techniques for uncertainty quantification and robust design in Fluid Mechanics.There was 9 invited talks in 3 sessions and more than 70 participants. This workshop has been funded by the CPU center d'excellence de l'Université de Bordeaux, Inria and ADDECCO.